Question: 1 / 50

How long can an identification document be expired for it to still be used for notarization?

Must be current

Not expired more than 3 years

The correct option indicates that an identification document can be used for notarization if it has not been expired for more than 3 years. This reflects the flexibility allowed for certain identification documents in specific circumstances, acknowledging that individuals may not be able to update their IDs immediately. This means that if a person's ID has expired within the last three years, it can still be considered acceptable for notarization purposes. In contrast, other options set stricter criteria for the validity of ID documents. Requiring that the ID must be current does not allow for any expired documents to be accepted, while stating that an ID must be less than one year expired is even more limiting. Declaring that expired ID cannot be accepted entirely dismisses the possibility of using an ID that may still be within the reasonable timeframe of three years.

Must be less than 1 year expired

Expired ID cannot be accepted


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